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Float That Bar!

You’ve probably heard one of your coaches during an Olympic lifting day (Cleans or Snatches) talk about “floating the bar.”   It may not click the first time you hear it, or day hundred for that matter, but to get efficient with these lifts AND for getting your 50lb bags of dog food into the hatchback, this concept is essential.
What we mean by the phrase is that you’re going to have to trust yourself and disconnect from the bar.    You heard me, disconnect.  When we back squat, the bar is on our back rack and stays CONNECTED to us throughout the squat to hip crease below knee and then back to standing with hips extended.   We call the back squat a connected movement.  Same can be said for strict presses, overhead squats, and deadlifts.  Examples of disconnected movements include squat/power cleans, squat/power snatches, wall balls, and even the snatch balance we did last week.  So, when you disconnect from something it means it’s going in one direction and you are manipulating your body to catch it in another.  While the weight is not on you, it is very easy to move quickly and with precision.  If you’re not completely disconnecting, you may find your movement is restricted.  You may even miss the lift!

Having a bar in front of you can be intimidating and get in the way of learning.  But everyone has taken out the garbage at one time of their life or the other.  Watch the video for an explanation of how “disconnecting” can actually make you a more efficient and powerful weightlifter (of bars, baggage, groceries, but maybe not children).  Here’s the first take vid (I’ll do it better next time):

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