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WoD for June 3rd, 2016

Group: 3 in 3
Air Squats
Handstand Hold

Strength: 15’ to complete 3 x 3 Back Squat @ 70-80% of 1RM with no more 2.5 minutes rest between working sets

WoD: 20‘ AMRAP

200m Run
5 Strict HSPU a) Kipped b) Banded c) Box or Downward Dog style
15 Wall Balls to 10’/9’ (20/14) a) 14/12 b) 12/10

UNBROKEN Strict Pull-ups* a) Kipped Pull-ups (if you have them) b) Lightly banded

*When you drop from the bar for any reason, you must complete the next round before getting another shot at the pull-ups

Score = Total # of Pull-ups

Coach’s Notes: This is going to induce DOMS on Sunday, so be ready. In the early rounds, note how long it takes you to get through the prep movements before the pull-up. With about 5-6 minutes you’re going to have to decide how many more rounds you’re going to shoot for. You might do better taking a rather long break (1-2 minutes?) before attempting the last set of pull-ups.

MOB: Roll Quads / Lax Shoulders / Roll Quads and forearms

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