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Team WoD for April 19th, 2014

Group: 3 in 3
Light KBS
1 Push up every 5 seconds

WoD: For Time in teams of 2 or 3:

Complete this total work as a team. One team member chips away at these movements (in order). If 3 on a team, 2 can be doing the work, but I’ll up the total number to be done. When the two are rowing, first one done triggers the switch.

150 KBS (1.5/1.0 pd) a) 1.0/.75 b) .75/.5pd c) <= .5/.25pd
150 Push-ups a) Wormy b) Wormy from knees
150 Sit-ups
While partner Rows 250m

MOB: Roll Posterior Chain / Lax Chest and Shoulders

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