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Team WoD for January 11th, 2014

Group: Zombies
Butt Kickers
10 Bird Dogs (with some twists)
10 Scorpions

WoD: “Deck of Cards” In 1, 2, or 3 person teams. 30 minute Cap

Do the number of reps seen on the card for the suit below. Aces = 11, Face Cards = 10. When any teammate pulls a Joker, all stop what they are doing, do the Joker penalty, and then go back to finish the movement they were on.

Spades = Grasshoppers (L + R = 2)
Hearts = Burpees Scale) < Rx Clubs = L-Sit Hold 1 second per “point” (e.g. 2 of Clubs = 2 second hold, Face card = 10 seconds) Diamonds = OH Lunges (45/25) (L + R = 2) Scale) < Rx Jokers = 50 DUs (or 150 Singles) MOB: Roll it all

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