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Team WoD for July 6th, 2013

Group: 3 in 3
Air Squats
Abmat Sit-ups

MOB: Lax Glutes for Max ATG

WOD: 18’ Partner Follow WoD

In teams of 2 or 3, first member must complete movement before next starts it. Score = number rounds/reps completed by last member.

250m Row
24’ Walking Push-ups a) Wormy b) Knees c) Wormy Knees?
10 GHD a/b) 25 Sit-ups c) 10 Sit-ups
24’ OH Lunge (45#/25#) a) 35/20 b) 25/15 c) <= 10 15 Deck Squats a)With Dumbells c) With crash pads MOB: Lax Pecs/Glutes, Roll Quads

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