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Team WoD for November 23rd, 2013

Day 64 of the CFD Burpee Challenge

Warm up: 3 in 3
In-place lunge
Air Squats
Plank (from hands)

WoD: 2 8’ AMRAPs

1st 8’ AMRAP
One partner runs 200m while other partner does Jumping Lunges (L+R = 1)
Score = total number of Jumping Lunges (write this down)

At the 8’ mark, you will switch to the 2nd 8’ AMRAP once you’re teammate is back from their run

10 Goblet Squats (1.5/1.0pd) a) 1.0/.75 b) .75/.5 c) < b while partner does Grasshoppers (L+R = 1)

Score = total Jumping Lunges + total Grasshoppers

MOB: Roll Posterior Chain / Quads / Calves / IT Bands; Lax Glutes

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