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WoD for August 17th, 2015

Group: 3 in 3
Handstand Hold
Air Squats

Technique: Kipping the Pull-up

MOB: Front Rack

WoD: For Time 9-7-5 Cap: 15 Minutes

Thrusters Comp) 135/95 Rx) 115/80 A) 95/65 B) 75/55
Bar Muscle Ups Rx) x3 C2B A) x3 Pull-ups B) x3 Banded

Coaches Notes: The Thruster and Pull-up chosen should be hard enough that you’re unable to complete any set unbroken. Make this tough on yourself. Expected to last 7-10 minutes.

MOB: Roll Quads and Lats / Lax Shoulders

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