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WoD for August 19th, 2016

Group: 3 in 3
Air Squats
Weighted partner meball sit-ups
Side shuffle half way, then turn and sprint (down and back)

MOB: 4’ of Hip openers

Technique: Chaining T2B (kipping)
Technique: Saving your shoulders during Wall Balls (but endangering your face)


Odd Minutes: 7 T2B a/b) High knees or sit-ups
Even Minutes: Wall Balls

Coach’s Notes: While you can’t get away with the core work, the weight of the Wall Ball is up to you. One thing: you can’t change the weight of the wall ball during the WoD, so choose carefully, young jedi. Also, another day of hand protection today is in order…

Score = Number of Wall Balls completed x Wall Ball weight.

MOB: 4’ Screaming Pigeons / Lax Shoulders

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