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WoD for April 1st, 2015

We’re doing 14.5 today. 21-18-15-12-9-6-3

Note: Break into heats of 2 people. One judging, other doing…..

Thrusters and Bar-facing burpees


















Group: Agility Ladder

MOB: Hip Openers

WoD: For Time:

21 – 15 – 9
Wall Balls (10/9) (<20/<14)
KBS (1.0 / <= .75 pd)

Rest 3 Minutes

15 – 12 – 9
Wall Balls (<20/<14)
KBS (1.0 / <= .75 pd)

Rest 3 Minutes

9 – 7 – 5
Wall Balls (<20/<14)
KBS (1.0 / <= .75 pd)

Cash out Mobility: 2’ Screaming Pigeons per side

Coach’s tip: This should feel really light. Try to do sets UB and get to your rest ASAP!

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