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WoD for August 7th, 2014

Group: 3 in 3
Light KBS

WoD: “12 Days of CrossFit” For Time:  (Compare to 12/21/13)

Since it got hot again, I thought we’d remember some of our colder WoDs.  Enjoy Xmas in August!

This is to be accomplished like the song “12 Days of Christmas” and will be made up of 12 rounds. On round 1, you do 1 Handstand Push-up (HSPU). Round 2: 2 Commando Pull-ups and 1 HSPU). Round 3: 3 Wall Balls, 2 Commando Pull-ups, and 1 HSPU. Keep progressing down the list for the 12 rounds.

1 Handstand Push-up (or Muscle Up) a/b/c) Banded or Box HSPU
2 Commando Pull-ups a/b/c) Banded regular pull-ups
3 Wall Balls (20#/14#) (10’/9′) RX+ @ 25#+/ 16#+ a/b/c) < Rx
4 Clapping Push-ups a/b/c) HRPU
5 Box Jumps (24″/20″) a/b/c) < Rx
6 Sit-ups
7 Double Unders (21 Singles)
8 Air Squats
9 Mountain Climbers
10 Walking Lunges
11 Kettlebell Swings (1.5pd / 1.0pd) a/b/c) < Rx
12 Ring Dips a/b/c) Banded or Bench dips

MOB: Roll and Lax Everything!

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