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WoD for December 27th, 2012

Day 96 of the 100-Day Burpee Challenge

Group: 3 in 3
Jumping Jacks

MOB: Lax to Glutes to increase front squat depth

WoD: 12’ AMRAP – WoD 12.4 from the CrossFit Open

In teams of 2, one will judge while the other performs the tasks below. Judges will ensure both proper squat depth and that the Wall Balls are to the correct height. No rep as necessary. Help count as well.

150 Wall Balls (20#/14#) (10’/9’)
90 DUs (270 Singles)
25 Muscle Ups (75 Pull-ups / 75 Ring Dips) Do the pull-ups and push-ups in sets of 3 each for proper scoring.

Score = total amount of reps completed in the 12 minutes

MOB: Roll Quads

Coach’s Tip: Pace the Wall Balls from the outset. Have a plan in place to get them done so that you have some time left over for the rope and potentially the Muscle-Ups/Pull-ups!

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