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WoD for February 9th, 2015

Group: Zombies
Butt Kickers
Side Shuffles
10 Bird Dogs
10 Scorpions

MOB: Lax ball to Plantar (Remember to test/retest to feel the magic)

Review: Deadlift with emphasis on starting position

WoD: For Time

Deadlift 8,000 lbs (Males) / 5,600 lbs (Females) using 1 bar with a fixed weight of your choice

A) 6,000 lbs / 4,200 lbs
B) 4,000 lbs / 2,800 lbs

Run 1 mile. A/B) 2,000m row)

MOB: Roll Posterior Chain / IT Bands / Mash Achilles

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