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WoD for July 22nd, 2014

Group: 3 in 3
Jumping Jacks
Air squats

Strength: Bounding box jumps (20”, 24”, 30”, 34”, and higher as necessary). Set up boxes with PVC so that they are just far enough to jump over one pipe and land so that you can jump over the next…

WoD: For Time

40 box jumps (24 / 20 in.)
20 toes-to-bars
40 wall-ball shots (20 / 14 lb.) a) 14/12 b) 12/10
20 ring dips a/b) Banded c) Bench Dips
40 wall-ball shots (20 / 14 lb.)
20 toes-to-bars
40 box jumps (24 / 20 in.)

MOB: Roll Quads and Posterior Chain, Lax Triceps and shoulders

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