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WoD for June 18th, 2013

Group: Zombies
Butt Kickers
10 Bird Dogs
10 Scorpions

Skill: 10’ to review and work on proper KB Cleans

WOD: 15’ AMRAP*(**)
Sand Bags Carry to Back (long) curb (70/30) a/b ) 30/15 c) 0
16 KB Clean (1.5/1.0 pd) a) 1.0/.75 b) .75/.5pd c) <= .5/.25pd (L+R = 2)
*3 sets of Battle Ropes (10 side-to-side, 10 Up-down, 10 L/R Up-down)
**3 sets of 10 GHDs  a/b) 30 Sit-ups  c) 10 Sit-ups

MOB: Roll Posterior Chain

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