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WoD for March 14, 2013 – Open Workout 13.2

Get a partner / judge for this WoD ASAP and start warming up your presses and deads. This will be run in a minimum of two heats. Determine who will go first and be ready to for the first heat at 15 minutes after class starts.

WoD: Open Workout 13.2 is:

10 minute AMRAP of:
5 Shoulder to overhead, 115 / 75 lbs CFD Cup) 95/60 c) 75/35
10 Deadlift, 115 / 75 lbs CFD Cup) 95/60 c) 75/35
15 Box jump, 24 / 20 inch CFD Cup) 24”/20” c) <= 20”/16” Range of Motion Shoulder to Overhead: After cleaning the bar to your shoulders, Shoulder to Overhead means that you can get it up there any way you please. Strict press, push press, or push jerk (recommended). Bar has to start at shoulder level (preferably on your delts) and be LOCKED OUT over head in line with hips and heels (showing your ear). Pushing the bar above and forward of head will be NO REP’d. Deadlifts: With the weight being light, it will be important to make an effort to pop your hips at the top of the motion. Weight must touch the ground each time and be locked out at top. BE CAREFUL HERE: You will want to straight leg after the first one. Make sure you "sit back in your chair" and keep the bar on your quads and down your shins so that you are in perfect position for the next lift. Box Jumps: Leave with two feet, land with two feet. You can jump off and jump right back up or step down. You can step in to the jump, as long as you leave with two feet. At the top of the box, again POP THOSE HIPS and show control or no rep. As these are easy movements, you may be no rep’d without a warning in this WoD. For more info: MOB: Roll Hamstrings / Bar Mash Achilles / Lax Shoulders Coach’s Tip: Do the Shoulder to Overhead unbroken, so don’t pick it up until you’re ready to do all 5, so as to not waste energy having to re-clean the weight. Likewise with the deadlifts, don’t drop them, gut through it. Pace yourself on the box jumps so that you can get right back into the STO. This is much like the “Jack” we did a couple of weeks ago. Try to find that red line and stick to it. It’s 10 minutes, so don’t go out too too slow, but finish strong!

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