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WoD for May 21st, 2013

Group: 3 in 3
Light KBS
Jumping Jill (a Jumping Jack with a hair flip)
T2B (or Sit-ups)

WoD: 20‘ EMOM
20 DUs (60 Singles)

Score = Rounds completed multiplied by weight in Pounds (e.g. 20 rounds * 35lbs (the yellow one) = 7000. 19 rounds at 35lbs and 1 round at Blue = 6991).

ROM: KBS must go to 12 o’clock overhead (showing the ears) with arms fully extended (no bend at the elbow).

MOB: Roll Posterior / Achilles

Coach’s Tip: You should pick a weight that allows you to finish your work in approximately 30 seconds, so you have as much time to rest. KB Weights: It’s OK to have 2 Kettlebells if someone doesn’t want the one you’re not using, so you can switch if necessary.

Weight chart (in lbs): Pink = 17, Blue = 26 , Yellow = 35, Purple = 43, Green = 53, Red = 70.

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