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WoD for October 10th, 2013

Day 17 of the CFD Burpee Challenge

Warm up: 3 in 3
Air Squats

MOB: Shoulders and Wrists and Hips

WoD: For Time:

15 Front Squats (135/95) a) 115/80 b) 95/65 c) <b  (from floor)
15 Ring Dips a/b) Banded c) bench dips
15 T2B a) KTE b) High Knees c) Knees to KB
400m Run
10 Front Squat
10 Ring Dip
10 T2B
400m Run
5 Front Squat
5 Ring Dip
5 T2B
400m Run

MOB: Roll Quads / Triceps

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