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WoD for October 22nd, 2013

Day 29 of the CFD Burpee Challenge
Warm up: Zombies
Butt Kickers
10 Bird Dogs
10 Scorpions

Review: Efficient Burpees

WoD: 15’ AMRAP*

5 Sand Bag Complex (Squat Clean, Side Lunge L, Side Lunge R, Sand Bag Burpee) (70/30) Scaled) 30/15
Sand Bag Carry to near curb (70/30) Scaled) 30/15
Uneven Farmer’s Carry to far curb (1.5/1.0pd for guys, 1 pd/.75 for ladies) Take what’s needed, just make sure they are uneven

EMOM: Do 2 Burpees (Yell “Yay Burpees) while doing them) Start the WoD with the 2 burpees!

MOB: Roll Posterior Chain

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