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WoD for July 25th, 2017

Group: 3 in 3
Light KBS
Jumping Jacks
Russian Twists

WoD: For Time (Cap 18′)

In teams of 3, complete the following amount of work with only 1 teammate working at a time:

150/135 cal Row, if same gender team, else 143cal for a mixed team

150 KBS (1.5/1.0) a) 1.0/.75 b) .75/.5 Comp) 2/1.5 pd
150 Abmat Sit-ups
Teams of 2, do 100 cals/reps of each. Solos, 50 of each!

Coach’s Notes: Go here -> for a refresher on any of the movements above.

MOB: Roll it all

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