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WoD for July 2nd, 2015

Group: 3 in 3


Partner Med Ball Sit-ups

Jumping Jacks

Review: Pendlay Row Technique

Strength: 15’ for 5 x 5 Pendlay Row (135/95) a) 115/80 b) 95/65

WoD: For time:

21 KBS (1.5/1.0)  a) 1.0/.75  b) .75/.5
21 Ring dips a/b) Banded c) Bench dips
15 KBS (1.5/1.0)  a) 1.0/.75  b) .75/.5
15 Ring Dips a/b) Banded c) Bench dips
9 KBS (1.5/1.0)  a) 1.0/.75  b) .75/.5
9 Ring Dips a/b) Banded c) Bench dips

Cashout: 3 x 10 Evil Bars

MOB: Roll Lats and Calves / Mash Achilles / Lax Shoulders and chest insert

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