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WoD for June 17th, 2016

Group: Zombies
Butt Kickers
Side Shuffles
10 Bird Dogs
10 Scorpions

Strength: 10’ to complete 3 x 5 Strict Press @ 70% of 1RM

Review: Rope Climbs

WoD: 14’ AMRAP

40’ Farmer’s Pinch (35/15) a/b) less
75m Sled Drag (far curb and back) (65/45) a/b) less
40’ Farmer’s Pinch (35/15)
3 Rope Climbs a/b) 12 Rope Progressions

Coach’s Notes: Grinder WoD. Try to use your legs as much as you can on the rope climbs, or you going to spend too much time looking up at the rope!

MOB: Roll Posterior Chain and lats / Lax Shoulders / Mash Achilles

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