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WoD for May 17th, 2016

Group: Zombies
Butt Kickers
Side Shuffles
10 Bird Dogs
10 Scorpions

Strength: Row 1000m For Time

Review: KB Cleans

WOD: For time*

1000m Row, then

5 RFT of:
5 KB Cleans with each arm (1.5/1.0) a/b) Less
30 abmat Sit-ups Comp) 15 GHDs
10 Ring Dips a/b) Banded or from Box


500m Row

*At 3 different times in the WoD, complete a Tsunami Ropes (10 Side to Side, 10 Up down (together), 20 Up Down (10 with each arm)

MOB: Roll Posterior / Stretch Abs / Lax Pec and Shoulder insert along with Shoulder

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