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WoD for October 2nd, 2015

Day 10 of the CFD Burpee Challenge (55 burpee buy-in, oh wait 45 of them are in the WoD!)

Group: 3 in 3
Russian Twists
Air Squats
Jumping Jacks

MOB: Wrists and Shoulders

Strength: 3 x 5 1¼ Front squats (60%, 65%, 70% of 1RM)

WoD: 21 – 15- 9

Medballs (20/14) (10/9) a) 14/12 b) 12/10
Burpee Box Jump overs (no need to get to full extension at top of box)

MOB: 2’ Screaming Pigeons each Leg / Roll Posterior

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