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WoD for October 2nd, 2017

Group (starts at 5 minutes past class time start): Complete 3 rounds w/in 10 minutes

5 Pull Ups
20 Double Unders / 40 Skips
20 PVC Dislocates (Front + Back = 1)
10 Cal Row/100m Run

Review:  Push press

Strength: 15’ to find 1RM Push Press

WOD: 30 Burpee Muscle Ups For time
A) 30 Burpee Bar Muscle Ups
B) 30 Rounds of 1 Burpee followed by 3 Pull-ups and 3 Ring-Dips
C) 30 Burpee Pull-ups or Ring Rows (with or without bands, as necessary)

MOB: Lax Shoulders/Chest / Roll Lats

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