Your Owner

John Manser
Owner, Head Coach
CrossFit Level 1 and 2
CrossFit Endurance
CrossFit Weightlifting
CrossFit Gymnastics
CrossFit Mobility
CrossFit Anatomy
CrossFit Judges
John has been ranked as high as the 147th best CrossFitter in the world in his age group. John comes from a long, active sports career as a collegiate tennis player and professional tennis instructor. He was a sponsored triathlete, Southeast regional champion volleyball player, learned to play ice/roller hockey when he was old enough to break a hip, an “all arms” rock climber unfortunately, likes to cycle long distances, and is now a competitive CrossFitter. John is passionate about listening to your needs and defining a path to help you reach your goals. Having a background in playing/teaching across many sports requiring hand/eye coordination, balance, strength, and power, John can help you meet your goals, whatever they might be.
Favorite WoD: “Nasty Girls” (3 Rounds for time: 50 air squats, 7 Muscle-ups, and 10 Hang Cleans @ 135#)
Why? I had just gotten my first muscle-up three days before I decided to challenge the 21 necessary for this WoD. It was slow, but I got through it and never once thought about quitting. Also, this classic video, featuring some of the legends of CrossFit, is my favorite CrossFit vid. If you don’t have time to watch the whole thing, go to minute 12:20 of the feed. You’ll witness the heart of CrossFit through Eva’s struggles.
Least Favorite WoD: “Fran” (For time: 21-15-9 of 95# Thrusters and Pull-ups).
Why? She’s such a popular benchmark and I absolutely suck at her. She always leaves me in a quivering mass. This will change, however.
Our Charity
The 24 in 24
Benefiting Rally! Foundation for Children's Cancer Research
What: The 24 in 24 is a unique event of one CrossFit workout every hour, on the hour, for 24 hours. It benefits the Rally Foundation for Childhood Cancer Research. Go here for a list of the event’s workouts.
Why: Childhood cancer treatments are grossly underfunded by the federal government with only 4% of the National Institutes of Health’s budget earmarked for childhood cancer, and that’s over ALL their different forms of cancer. Many children are treated with solutions from 30 years ago, which can be quite invasive to their developing bodies. If they are fortunate enough to survive, they may suffer from side effects that they must deal with for the rest of their lives. Rally Foundation grants funds to promising research to find better treatments for childhood cancers.
When: This event will begin at 7:00pm on Friday, August 23rd, 2024, and continue until 7:00pm on Saturday, August 24th, 2024.
Who: Teams of 4 (or more) can be created, although we have a limit of total teams and only 4 team members can participate at a time. There is no limit to how big your team can get! There are also individual awards for highest fundraising! Teams can be same gender or mixed in any combination and there will be WoD scaling for both competitive and social teams! Something for everyone!
How to Participate: First register here. We’ll get back to you with your link to create your team/personal fundraising page!
How to Donate: You can donate here
This Year’s Sponsors!

This Year’s
24 in 24 Workouts
5:30pm Registration
6:30pm Rally Kick-off!
7:00pm WoD #1: “½ Falkel” AMRAP 12.5 8 HSPU, 8 Box Jumps (30”/24”), 1 Rope Climb Social: 12 HRPU, 8 Step Ups, 10 Ring Rows. 1 Team Member must complete entire round and tag next teammate before they can start their round.
8:00pm WoD #2: “Oh My Quad” 4 RFT: 5 Front Squats (#115/135/155/185, #85/95/105/130) + 20cal AAB (Social (85/95/105/130, 55/65/75/85) + 14cal AAB). One person working at a time.
9:00pm WoD #3: “Rabbit DT” 5 RFT (15’ Time Cap) of 12 Deadlifts, 9 Hang Power Cleans, 6 Push Jerks (155/105) Social (115/75). Between each round Complete 75 Dus (Social 150 Singles). One Person working at a time.
10:00pm WoD #4: “Mad GI Jane” For Time (15’ Time Cap): 100 Burpee C2B (Social 100 Burpee Ring Rows)
11:00pm WoD #5: “3 Ton Bear” 6,000lb (Social 3,000lb) Total For Time: 1 Bear = 1 Power Clean, 1 Front Squat, 1 Push Press, 1 Back Squat, 1 Back Rack Push Press. The load on the bar of the Bear will be deducted from the total to be done upon completion. One Person working at a time. Barbells must be shared on the ground, not in the air.
12:00am WoD #6: “Limping Jerry” 800m Run, 2000m Row, 800m Run For Time. 20’ Time Cap
1:00am WoD #7: 1 RM Thruster. All heats start at 1:10am. Choosing up to 2 team members, we’ll have a barbells for the lasses and one for the gents. Limbo Lines will form behind each one. Make your and move to the back of the line. Miss your lift and go to the sidelines to support everyone else.
2:00am WoD #8: “Down Up, Down Up” 120 Synchronized Ring Dips and Air Squats. Two people working at a time. 1 Teammate performs a ring dip, another the air squat. You synchronize at the bottom of the ring dip and air squat. Switch pairs as necessary. Determine movements as necessary.
3:00am WoD #9: “See You In Hades” Death by Devil’s Press and Box Over (20/24”). Dual 35/50# Dumbbells. (Social 20/35#, Stepovers) In teams of 2, every minute add one extra devils Press and one extra box over per minute. Do all the devils press before finishing the box overs. For instance, in minute 3, complete 3 devils press and then 3 box overs.
4:00am WoD #10: “Upper Deck” 25-20-15-10-5 Decks Squats and Shoulder to Overhead (75/115#) (Social 55/75#). Teams of 2, one person working at a time.
5:00am WoD #11: “Ski Hinge” For Time 1500m Ski Erg then 100 DB Snatches (35/50#) (Social 20/35#)
6:00am WoD #12: “Frindy” AMRAP 12 In teams in two, one person runs 200m while the other does a round of Cindy (5 pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Air Squats). When both are complete, that team of two can tag out with two other members.
7:00am WoD #13: Yoga
8:00am WoD #14: “Ring Run” 6-5-4-3-2-1 Ring Muscle Ups (Social 2x Burpee Pull-ups). After each round, run 200m. Tag next teammate! Once you start a movement, you must finish it!
9:00am WoD #15: “Sand Stand” Strongman Sandbag Bar Clear Sprint. Lift bags weighing from 50-200lbs up and over set bars for time. Supply 1 or 2 teammate per team!
10:00am WoD #16: “Pull Push” 4 RFT: 500m Row/20 Ring Push-ups (Social HRPU). One teammate working at a time.
11:00am WoD #17: “Take My Sand, Please” SandBag Relay. 100m Sandbag carries of varying weights for time.
12:00pm WoD #18: “Nooner” AMCAP 8. AAB. Switch out as necessary. That is all.
1:00pm WoD #19: “Go For A Ride” For time: 4x Pull a prowler weighted with one of your members 20’. Each member must take 2 rides. On Each of the first 4 rides, add a 25#/45# plate to the prowler. You may have no more than 2 members pulling on the prowler.
2:00pm WoD #20: “1/2 McGhee”: AMRAP 15’ of 5 Deadlifts (190/275#) (Social 130/185#) 13 Push-ups and 9 Box Jumps. One teammate working at a time. However, if a teammate works on a movement in one round, they can’t help in that specific movement in the subsequent round.
3:00pm WoD #21: “Clean Up on Aisle Ski” AMRAP 10’ 20cal Ski erg and 20 Sandbag Over the Shoulder cleans (50/100#)
4:00pm WoD #22: “Lunge Sandwich” AMRAP 12’ 25’ DB OH Lunge (20/35#) 20 Pull-ups 25’ DB OH Lunge 20 T2B (Social: High Knee)
5:00pm WoD #23: “Ingrid, meet Gretel… You on a cut?” 10x 3 Snatch 3 Bar Facing Burpees (75/115#) then 10x 3 C&J 3 Bar Facing Burpees. One team member performs 3 barbell movements and then 3 burpees before they can tag out to another teammate. Choose a pair to finish the lighter Ingrid. Tag to the fresh pair that will finish the lighter Gretel!
6:00pm WoD #24: “Double Karen” 300 WBS for Time. 9/10’ 14#/20# (Social 10/14#)