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WoD for January 12th, 2018

Bergener Cleans

Wrists and Shoulders

E2MOM: 1 Power Clean + 1 Squat Clean (Power Clean + Front Squat OK)

These do NOT have to be touch and go. OK to drop and reset. Just get both lifts done by the end of the 2 minutes.

Increase load every round.
Scored is top load

Daily WoD

50 Double Unders a) 150 Singles b) 50 Singles
— then —

3 rounds of:
10 pull ups a) Aided b) Ring Rows Comp) 20
20 kb goblet squats a) 1.5/1.0pd b) 1.0/.75 pd Comp) 2/1.5 pd

— then, buy out:
50 Double Unders a) 150 Singles b) 50 Singles

Roll Quads / Posterior Chain / Lats
Mash Achilles

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