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Comp WoDs for 5th Anniversary Party for June 24th, 2017

0930 WoD: ROM discussed at 0940 a

1st Heat goes at 0950

WoD 1 Heat 1: 6 minutes to find max Ground to Overhead.

Notes: You get 3 attempts maximum, 1 every 2 minutes. If you fail on all 3 attempts, your score is 0. Bar must be empty at the start of the WoD. Once you put a load on, it cannot be lessened. It is OK and recommended that you have your plates around your station before hand, just keep things safe.

Score = Load

5 minute change for Heat 2

WoD 2: 8 Minute AMRAP Ascending Ladder by 3 at a time:

3 Burpee to Bumper Plate,
3 C2B Scaled) 3 Pull-ups (x2 if using a light band)

6 Burpee to Bumper Plate,
6 C2B Scaled 3 Pull-ups

9 and 9, 12 and 12

Score = Total Reps

MOB: Roll Posterior / Lats

10:30a ROM Discussed at 10:40

First heat goes at 10:50a

WoD 3: 12’ AMRAP

50/45 cal Row a/b) 40/36 cal Row

40 T2B a/b) High Knees

30/25cal AAB a/b) 20/16cal AAB

20 Power Snatches (115/80) a/b) 75/55

10 Muscle Ups (any kind) a/b) Pulls-ups

Score = Total Reps

MOB: Roll Quads / Posterior Chain; Lax Shoulders

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