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WoD 14.5 for Friday, March 28th, 2014

Scaled Athletes will go at 10 minutes past the hour and be judged by Rx athletes, so get there on time on Friday!!!! You will be capped as a 10 minute AMRAP so that no one gets hurt.

Rx Athletes, you will go at 25 minutes past the hour and be judged by scaled athletes. You will go until you are finished or decide to quit.

HOWEVER TO ALL ATHLETES: Your coach may cut your workout short if a) you’re not reaching depth or not finishing with your head through OR b) your technique leaves you and there’s a chance you will hurt yourself. So, if you want to finish, please keep your chest high on your thrusters. If you’re bending over and putting stress on your lower back, wrists, or shoulders you will be cut short. I should have stopped some of you on 14.3. This one can hurt you as well, so please defer to your coach on this one. It’s not worth getting hurt over.

WoD: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:

CFD Scaled with have a 10’ AMRAP cap on it so that we can get everyone’s workout in during the hour

Thrusters (95/65) CFD Scale) 75/55
Bar Facing Burpees (w/ 2 foot jump)

MOB: Roll Quads / Posterior Chain, Lax Shoulders

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