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WoD for December 27th, 2016

Group: Zombies
Butt Kickers
Side Shuffles
10 Bird Dogs
10 Scorpions

Strength: 15’ to complete 3 x 3 @ 80% of 1RM Deadlift

WoD: “Diane” 21 – 15 – 9  (Cap 12′)

Deadlift (225 /155) a) 205/145 c) 185/130
HSPU a) Abmat ROM b) bands c) from box

Coaching Notes: Rx athletes, go in two heats, as necessary,  so you have someone counting for you and ensuring proper range of motion. Rx athletes need to mark the wall based on Games Standards… Go here -> for a refresher on any of the movements above.

MOB: Roll Posterior / Lax Shoulders

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