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WoD for March 27th, 2013

Group: 3 in 3
Jumping Jacks
Crab walk
Med Ball Kick-ups

MOB: Achilles / Calf

Review: Deadlift / Warm it up!

WoD: 25’ AMRAP
400m Run / 500m Row*
10 Deadlifts (185/130) a) 155/105 b) 135/95 c) <= 95/65
500m Row / 400m Run
20 Box Jumps (24”/20”) a/b 24”/20” c) <= 20”/16”

*If you run the first part of this round, row the last part of it and vice-versa

MOB: Roll Posterior Chain / Mash Achilles

Coach’s tips: This is an all out endurance WoD today, so pace it accordingly. About twice as long as our normal WoDs so don’t go out super fast, but be sure to finish strong!

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