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WoD for November 5th, 2015

Day 44 of the CFD Burpee Challenge

Group: Zombies
Butt Kickers
Side Shuffles
10 Bird Dogs
10 Scorpions

WoD: For Time:

400m Run
5 30’ OH Lunge (45/25)
Sled Pull to Curb and back (65/45)
4 30’ OH Lunge (45/25)
400m Run
3 30’ OH Lunge (45/25)
Sled Pull To Curb and back (65/45)
2 30’ OH Lunge (45/25)
400m Run
1 30’ OH Lunge (45/25)
Sled Pull to Curb and back (65/45)

MOB: Roll it all, Lax it all

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