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Extramural WoD #4 for December 10th, 2015

Day 79 of the CFD Burpee Challenge

Group: Burgener Power Clean

Review: Movements

WoD: For Total Reps: 18’ AMRAP

60/55cal Row a)50/40cal Row
50 T2B a) High Knees
40 WBS (20/14) (10/9) a)14/12 b) 12/10
30 Power Cleans (135/95) a) 95/65 b) 75/55 c) Deadlifts
20 Ring Muscle Ups a) 20 Unaided Pull-ups b) Ring Rows

Coach’s Notes: Follow format. One teammate begins the row. Next teammate cannot begin row until first has completed and has moved off the rower. Continue with only one teammate on a given movement until MUs/Pull-ups, where both can work at the same time. If team gets back to the rower, Follow format is back in play. If you can’t do the MUs or Pull-ups, you can opt do an scaled version of them, just don’t count them in your score…

Score = Number of Reps completed by both teammates. 1 cal = 1 rep.

MOB: Roll it all / Lax it all

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