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Team WoD for June 2nd, 2015 (GRID #1)

Group: 3 in 3
Light KBS
OH Squats with PVC
Jumping Jacks

WoD: GRID WoD #1 For Time Cap: 25 minutes.

This is the total amount of work. Only 1 person on the team works at a time. For GRID teams, you’ll stay behind a line while you wait and need to be tagged before you can run to the station to do your work.

50 Overhead squats (115/80lbs) Rx) 95/65 Scale) 75/55 Beg) 55/35
75 Kettlebell swings (2pd/1.5pd) Rx) 1.5/1.0 Scale) 1.0/.75 Beg) .75/.5
200 Double-Unders Rx) 175 Scale) 500 Singles Beg) 200 Singles
100 Chest to bar pull-ups Rx) Pull-ups Scale) Lighter Bands Beg) Heavier Bands

Score = time or if capped, Time + number of reps not finished.

MOB: Roll Posterior Chain / Quads / Lats, Lax Shoulders, Mash Achilles

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