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Team WoD for November 22nd, 2014

Warm up: 3 Rounds As Fast As Possible
4 Burpees
6 Grasshoppers
8 Air squats

Review: Kipping Pull-ups

WoD: For Teams of 2 or 3

Downward Ladder 10 -> 1. First teammate completes 10 Goblet Squats and then tags partner. Partner completes Goblet Squats. Then move to the Burpees. Finish those and tag your partner. Continue and finish the pull-ups one at a time. Now do 9 of each, tagging in after each set of reps is completed. Complete until you each finish one rep of each!

Goblet Squats (1.5/1.0 pd) a) 1.0/.75 b) .75/.
Pull-ups a) Light Bands b) Heavier Bands

Score = total time for both to complete all reps

MOB: Roll Quads / Lats / Posterior Chain

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