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WoD for December 3rd, 2018

Group: 3 in3
Air Squat
“Rowing” Sit-ups
Handstand Hold

MOB: Front Rack (Shoulders and wrists)

Strength: 3 x 3 @ 80% of your 1RM Front Squat

Quick Review: Strict Press and Push Jerk

Review:  Pacing

WoD: 15’ AMRAP

You can do no more than 3 rounds in the first 5 minutes. If you get done before 5 minutes, rest until 5 minutes is up. After the 5 minute mark, kick as much arse as possible.

5 Front Squats (from ground) (95/65) a) 75/55 b) 45/35
5 Strict Press (95/65) a) 75/55 b) 45/35
5 Back Squats (95/65) a) 75/55 b) 45/35
5 Push Jerk (95/65) a) 75/55 b) 45/35
50 Flutter Kicks (L+R = 2)

MOB: Roll Quads / Lax Shoulders

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