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WoD for August 11th, 2014

Group: Burgener Power Snatch

Strength: 2:30 AMRAP

Row 500m (m) / 400m (w) a) 400m/320m b) 350m/260m
With remaining time, complete as many DUs / Singles as possible.
Score = total DUs / Singles (in blue)

WOD: For Time:

Perform these couplets in any order, but make sure you finish them all:

21 Snatch (Power or Squat) (95/65) a) 75/55 b) 65/45
9 Pull-Ups a) Lt Bands b) Heavy Bands

15 Snatch
15 Pull-Ups

9 Snatch
21 Pull-Ups

MOB: Roll Posterior Chain and Lats

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