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Wod for December 18th, 2012

Day 87 of the 100-Day Burpee Challenge

Coach Matt bearing quite a load. Thanks for bringing the powerlifting meet to fruition on Saturday!

Group: 2 x 20’ Zombies
2 x 20’ Butt Kickers
25 DUs (75 Singles)
10 Bird dogs
10 Scorpions

Review: Kipping Pull-ups

WoD: “Nicole” : 20’ AMRAP
400m Run
Max Reps Unbroken Pull-ups
Score = Total Number of Pull-ups

MOB: Roll IT Band / HamStrings / Lats

Coach’s Tip: Try to stay on that bar as long as possible and get as many reps in per round as you can. Run the 400m fast, but not overly fast that you can’t get onto the bar reasonably soon after coming into the box.

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