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WoD for February 20th, 2013

Group: Burgener Warm-up / Split Jerk / Push Jerk

MOB: Shoulder / Wrist mobility

WoD: “Gwen”
Clean & Jerk 15-12- and 9 reps
Touch and go at floor only. Even a re-grip off the floor is a foul. No dumping. USE SAME LOAD FOR EACH SET. Rest as needed between sets.  Clean can be of your choosing:  Power or Squat.  Jerk can be push or split, or any movement from shoulder to overhead.

Upon a foul, lower your weight and begin again at beginning of uncompleted set. Weight cannot go up, only down.

Score = Final weight used.

MOB: Posterior Chain

Coach’s Tip: You will probably want to start with about 50% of your 1RM to be able to finish each round.  As you get tired with the lighter weight, your body should find the most efficient way to clean and jerk it.

1 Comment

  1. Floyd

    Awesome WOD tonight! And to think I alosmt didn’t come! Thanks to Nick, Krista, Peter and Mel for all the help and encouragement. It’s because of great people like you that makes me want to push harder and finish each and every WOD!Last time I did this WOD I could only do air squats and only finished 70 abmat situps before I was done with the WOD. (and I cried during the WOD) Tonight started off with 20# front squats and did all 125 abmats!! (and no crying!)

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